Thursday, December 16, 2010


Wow! I didn't realize how long it's been since I last blogged.
So much has happened and so much has been learned.

Josh and I had originally planned to start looking for a house toward the end of the year in order to be in a new house by January.
That was OUR plan.
Can I just say that God is so "other than" us?!
AND so good!

Long story short:
We decided to go look at this house because it was the size we wanted, but rent was WAY cheap.
So we looked at it....along with another family.
I gave up instantly. I just knew the other family was going to apply and get it.
Three days later- the posting pops up online again.
We call the realtor, fill out the application, put down the money, and move in three days later!

So quick, so perfect, so GOD.

In the midst of the moving craziness, emotional ups and downs, and adjusting ONCE AGAIN, I know a season of peace and joy are right around the corner.
I know it. I can sense it so strongly.

And I'm happy. :)