Ok...everytime I try to write about my life as a newlywed, an error occurs and the website will not work with me! GOODNESS!!
I've tried blogging about this topic about 3 or 4 different times, and this "error" pops up everytime!
I was sneaky and renamed my blog. :)
And now it's working with me! LOL!!
Josh and I have been married for 7 months today.
SEVEN months!!
SEVEN months!!
Sometimes it feels like just yesterday and other times, it feels like it's been years!
We have not had the typical newlywed life that most couples have.
I think it's because we're not a "typical" couple.
The Lord has His hand on us in such a "different" way....
kinda reminds me of another couple I know. ;)
In seven months we have:
-moved twice
-had jobs and quit jobs
-lost our Dad
-bought 2 different vehicles and now only have 1
-traveled and camped
-lived in Mom's house, in the guest room
-gone thru every emotion that a person can possibly go thru
-questioned God on what we're doing, where we're going, and when
-and held onto each other so tight...
I love my husband...more than words can say.
I don't know of another man who would be willing to drop everything to move to FL to marry me, live in an awful place (Orlando) to begin our life together, and then move into his mother-in-law's house to keep our family tight in a time of crisis.
He makes me laugh until I cry.
He holds me when I need that special "Josh" squeeze.
When he smiles, I know we're gonna be just fine. :)
To every newlywed woman reading this:
Let every insecurity fly out the window.
Trust that your husband loves you and will do anything to make you happy....really.
And trust that the Lord has a BEAUTIFUL life planned for you both.
A perfect story! :)
(Thank you Daddy for giving me away to the perfect man for me. Thank you for trusting him to take care of me. He's doing a great job! I know you're proud.)
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