Quite often I flash back to living in California, and I re-visit the year or so when I got to lead worship.
I mean REALLY lead worship.
I was trusted. There was no one waiting to grab the microphone from me. There was no one telling me when "worship time" was up.
There was no one telling me to stand still, quit screaming, or sing on tune.
I was free.
I could lead fellow worshippers in "Oh Praise Him" for a half hour.
I could scream, cry, and my personal favorite- DANCE- all I wanted!!!
Oh, to express my heart, the deepest parts of my heart, to my God.
To my God who is SO worthy of the highest praise!
My feet couldn't stand still!
My heart feels as though it may pop with praise!
I need an outlet. I need to me again!
Not that leading worship is the only way to be me....oh, but I loved that time.
The praise was so unhindered, so loud, and so pure.
I'm ready for a time, a new time, where sweat pours down my face once again, my feet hurt from dancing, and the song is madness as I gasp for air to belt out note after note.
Even if it's in my bedroom for now, Oh Jesus, let it be.
Set me free.
"Make a JOYFUL NOISE oh you people!! Shout unto God with a voice of triumph!"
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