Sunday, October 10, 2010


Today is October 10, 2010, and I thought, "Today would be a great day for a blog, since this day won't be seen again for a looooong time."

Today also marks two months since my Daddy passed away...
two months that have felt like forever. Really.

Today I find myself questioning "church."
I love the body of Christ, don't get me wrong.
But I've found myself wondering if Jesus really meant for us to "do" church or "be" the church.

I've had a really hard time thinking about attending a church.
I just don't feel like I "fit."
Something has shifted in my heart.
I'm not bitter or angry...maybe a little tired of the same church "stuff" over and over and over....

I want to be part of a community who love each other, can be honest with each other, and who can teach each other, as well as be teachable. I want to learn together and grow.
BUT...I want to be like JESUS together.
We, as a church, are so exclusive...and I'm tired of that.

The world needs JESUS.
They need what we have! And what are we doing about it?? What am I doing about it??
For the most part, we're doing 3 fast songs, 3 slow songs, an offering, a sermon, and some ministry time at the end.

Somehow I don't think that's what Jesus meant when He said, "Go into all the WORLD and preach the gospel."
He didn't just say it to the missionaries or the evangelists.
He said it to His

Call me crazy, but I'm ready to see people saved.
I'm ready to really see this generation set free and NEVER THE SAME!
They don't need our church routine...they need salvation.
They need the cross. They need Jesus.

And this little 5'4" girl, with tattoos and a big smile has what this WHOLE world needs.
Crazy huh??

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