Some were work notes, but mostly it's his heart for Jesus on paper.
I don't know if anyone realized who my Daddy was or how deeply he loves (because he still does love) Jesus...even I am finding out more and more about his heart.
It's bringing healing to me and I pray that his words bring healing, hope, and even salvation to whomever reads them.
So, needless to say, my blog has been on hold for a few days...
Yesterday evening, I had the privelege of having coffee with a sweet friend. I haven't seen her since we were in middle school youth group together!
She is beautiful, inside and out, and it was such an honor to hear her heart and what the Lord has been doing in her life.
I love spending time with people who's words challenge me and I find myself wanting to live differently...and better.
When I came home from having coffee with her, I began going through this "Daddy" tub of notes. As I was flipping thru notebook after notebook, I found about 6 pages filled with letters to Erin and me. He had written them to us one Christmas, but never gave them to us.
There was such a sweetness about reading my name in this letter...I loved seeing "Emily" all throughout. But the best part was being able to hear his voice and see his face as he wrote his heart to me. I'll treasure that letter forever.
Today is a good day as well. I got the job that I interviewed for!!
Starting on Monday, I will be a receptionist for a very sweet doctor...and I am beyond excited...a little nervous...but excited!
More and more, I'm seeing how very sweetly the Lord has us.
He is so kind. Oh, I love Him.